One Night With a Rock Star
Chana Keefer
Old Barn Press (April 30, 2013)
Wow, I’m not sure where to begin. ONE NIGHT WITH A
ROCK STAR by CHANA KEEFER is now on my list of all time favorite books. What an
honor and privilege to have read this captivating story.
The prolog had me a little confused, as they often do.
I then moved on to the story where I was immediately swept away. There’s
something to be said about first person, and MS. KEEFER did an amazing job. The
one thing I don’t like about first person is the lack of the hero’s perspective.
What MS. KEEFER did in regards to this dilemma was nothing short of amazing. Her
writing is brilliant, with many great lines, a real page-turner.
ONE NIGHT WITH A ROCK STAR is county meets rock at
its best, with a touch of Cinderella, in a unique and refreshing way. I loved
the vast differences of the main characters lives and how Sky was drawn to the
innocents of Esther’s world.
The plot is wonderful, with characters that come to
life, and will have you falling in love with then. What female hasn’t dreamt of
meeting a rock star, and having a relationship with them?
In reading THE END, I was okay with it. It was a
good ending. Not great, just good. Good only because it left me feeling as if
there should be something more. As I turned from what I thought to be the last
page, I was treated to a, P.S. Kind of a mini epilog. Suddenly I needed to go
back and reread the prolog. When I did, it brought tears to my eye as the realization
hit me.
But if that wasn’t enough, I started to read the
excerpt to the sequel. My first thought, what could the author possibly do with
a continuation. As I read each page, automatically absorbed into the next story,
it happened. I actually gasped. I don’t think I’ve ever experience a glimpse
into a sequel as riveting as the one to ONE NIGHT WITH A ROCK STAR.
Hurry up and get here, 2015.
I must find out what happens!